Friday, May 22, 2020
The Evolution of Media Essay - 1312 Words
The media has become a comfortable staple and commodity to the global lives it touches inadvertently and significantly. But what is this incontrovertible influence? It is the radio, newspapers, television broadcasts, such as CNN and MTV; entertaining and informational, the media is a valuable asset to all. How it came about was during the pivotal 20th century where skies were filled with airplane raids and on land there were people full of fear, telling stories of the everlasting wars. The innate fear of world domination by Nazis and annihilation of all mankind by atomic weapons were major driving forces to create the media; people wanted the answers to their questions and needed to be informed of the global chaos. However, as time†¦show more content†¦This remained the informational monopoly until reporters adapted Marconi’s 1905 invention of the transatlantic telegraph system to the radio. This was a monumental juncture for it marked the beginning of facilitat ed forms of assimilating crucial information to the general public. Radio allowed information to be sent across the Atlantic Ocean and to the ears of the curious and concerned. Nevertheless, the media was not merely used for informational purposes but for swaying the beliefs of people, as well, which is known as propaganda. During WWI, the involvement of citizens in the war was critical and plenty of engagement was necessary. So, in order to recruit more soldiers and gain more support for the war, artists, teamed with government officials, created posters, a part of mass media, to entice citizens for further participation. The posters helped not only with the obvious aim of recruiting members for the armed forces, but with the parallel home-front efforts, as well. The United War Work campaign, the Red Cross, and most notably, the Liberty and Victory loans were all promoted by war-induced propaganda and, unambiguously, helped strengthen the United States of America socially, economically, and politically. The stimulation of war efforts through its respective propaganda remains valid because posters like Rosie the Riveter, conserving material posters, an d enlisting posters, caught the eyes of many since these posters were easilyShow MoreRelatedThe Evolution Of Mass Media786 Words  | 4 Pages The Evolution of Mass Media De’Boria Claiborne-Lowery University of Phoenix HUM/186 Instructor Allyson Wells December 4, 2017 The Evolution of Mass Media The mass media are critical players in the American political system. Media is seen in many forms nowadays such as television, radio, social media, newspapers, magazine, etc. The media affects people in varied ways, some are positive and others are negative. 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