Monday, November 11, 2019
Personal and Professional Development
Hotel manager is the person who is responsible for management of the hotel and its entire staff (SAGAS, 2012). We can also say hotel manager is someone who is accountable for managing the business of hotel and also assure the quality, radioactivity, performance of employees Cones & Lockwood, 2004). Hotel manager is responsible for planning, budgeting, financial management and also directing and leading all hotel service. This profession requires various types of skills, knowledge and experience which has to be developed starting from the bottom.Despite the fact this area is accessible for all graduates with an HAND but the following qualification or subject may enhance the chance such as business or management, Hotel and hospitality, business study with different language and travel and tourism (SAGAS, 2012). But it's not always necessary to have an HAND or inundation course to enter this profession since the employers puts a lot of priority on relevant experience. A minimum standard of education is sought and most of the people work their way up to this management level gradually by training on the Job and external qualification.Employers often look for relevant work experience but not only related to hotel but also customer focused such as retail, catering, bar and language skills also an advantage specially a hotel related to international chain. 2. 0 SOOT analysts: So aim of the topic is to critically analyses my C.V. with the help of SOOT in term of the rarer I have chosen and Justify the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat. At the end I will conclude the topic with recommendation of what needed to be improved in future. 2. Strength: Effective communication skills can boost the overall performance of a business and in my chosen career of hotel management it's the only way where I can establish a good relationship with the customers and increase staff engagement to increase overall performance. I have systematically represented my communication skill s and the efficiency of it in my C.V.. I have the ability to communicate in a very effective and reflections way with different people by carefully listening to client and address my message to them.During my time at Marriott hotel I have demonstrated my effective communication skills while working on reception and feedback from customers for my performance were excellent. 2. 1. 2 Team Work: Team work is two or more people working together co-operatively in order improve the performance and achieve their goal. In hotel management profession it's very important because when numbers of people working together their knowledge, skills, experience from several source coming together. I am a very co-operative team layer and able to work with different people from different sort of background.I know how work with the team as a supporting hand and encourage other team working skills and achieved better result while I was working in Ginsburg as a team leader 2. 1. 3 Customer Service: In my p referred career of hotel management customer is very important to satisfy the customers and make sure they come back again and again. I have tried to be focused on highlighting how good customer service I can offer in my C.V.. I am able to compromise with all sort of customer in effective way from different country and aground and solve any quarries they have with a positive attitude and satisfy them to come back to us again and again.While I was working in Ginsburg I have been awarded best customer service assistance 2010 twice. 2. 1. 4 Management skills: Success of hotel industry depends on effective management and it's important for planning, organizing, controlling, directing and decision making. In my C.V. I have shown my ability to manage team and plan ahead during a busy environment. During my time at Marriott hotel I improved my management skill through different aspect such as problem solving, organizing, team building and decision making in a implicated environment.I belie ve I can properly utilize these skills and create value in my hotel management career. 2. 1. 5 Relevant experience: Relevant practical experience always gets priority in hotel industry career. In these industry for new requirement employers always looks for relevant experience. During my time at Marriott hotel hotel allowed me have a proper customer engagement help me to earn a better understanding of customers needs and expectation. I can deal with different sort of customer in a professional way and achieve 100% customer satisfaction. . 1. 6 Language skills: I am able to speak and understand other language such as Bengali, Hindi, Urdu. Multi-lingual skills are very important for hotel industry where you get to meet international customer's every day. While I was working in Marriott hotel if the customer from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh customer who couldn't speak English well and I used to communicate with them the other language that I know. 2. 1. 7 Computing skills: In the 21 st century computer is very essential for every aspect of business.I have the ability to use all computing feature required for business purpose such as MS Word, MS Excel and MS Powering. I used to create work Rota, revenue sheet and daily sales data entry while I was working for Marriott. Also during my time at ELSE library I have used computer to keep the data of books borrowed by students and delivery statement. 2. 2 Weakness: 2. 2. 1 Lack of various work experience: Having lots of different work experience always gets priority for any Job. Though I have relevant work experience for this career but I have worked only in few places.Whereas working is various place would have allow me to gain different experience which I could have use in my career path. 2. 2. 2 Intention to change Jobs: Another weakness of mine is I can't work in same place for long time. If I work in same place for long time I eventually get bored and loose the motivation of working Frustration: Frustration is a silent killer in workplace which creates motivation and enthusiasm problem. In work place when things don't go as I planned or senior colleagues perform an action which I don't think is fair makes me frustrated.During my time at ELSE library my senior used to abuse me by giving extra responsibility they suppose take care of and this used to make me frustrated and eventually I lost the motivation to work there and left the Job. 2. 2. Short tempered: I am a very sort tempered person which is not expected for being in a management of hospitality industry. In workplace my short temper can be triggered by over talkative person, people getting to my physical space and when people drug my personal life to workplace. When I lose my temper I always make harsh decision which makes me regret later on. 2. 2. Can't say â€Å"no†: I am a very helpful person as a result when people ask me to do something or ask for help I can't say know even if there is lots of work pressure on me. For exam ple when I was working on Ginsburg one of the managers asked me to take the delivery and at he same time another manager asked me to fill up the shelf and I couldn't say no to him as a result I ended up middle of two tasks and none of the task was completed properly. 2. 2. 6 Working with large group: I prefer to work with small group because it's easier to organize and transmit the information and I can assess the performance and productivity of my team easily.But on other hand when I am forced to work with large group I find it hard to control and organize this large amount of people. 2. 3 Opportunity: In this current time the hotel management industry have vast employment opportunity. Furthermore when globalization getting acceptance in almost every country, the hotel management industry becoming global. Since hotel chain owners are trying to open new hotels in every big and small cities, demand of trained hotel management profession are colossal. So I believe having a business de gree and relevant work experience will allow me to start a good career in hotel management industry.According to Economic and social research council static hotel industry contributes El ban to I-J economy and it offers 7% to 8% of total country employment which shows the amount of opportunity it offers. 2. 4 Threat: We have seen so far in hotel industry experience always gets priority. Though I have relevant experience but I have worked in one place which is related to my chosen career so far so it might be not be enough for the management level I am trying to start the career with. When it comes to comparison recruitment team might choose someone more experienced than me. 3. Conclusion: After the discussion above and SOOT analysis I can see my own strength, weakness, opportunity and treats which gives me a better vision of where I need to be improved in order to fulfill the requirements of a successful hotel management career. I can say y strength and opportunities in current Job market is very potential as the demand of skilled and experienced professional manager is increasing. I believe I need to work on my drawbacks and try to absorb related experience and a good internship from reputable hotel which I might use as reference later on. SAGAS, e. , 2012. Online] Available at: HYPERLINK â€Å"www. Prospects. AC. UK†www. Prospects. AC. UK [Accessed 11 September 2013]. Jones, P. & Lockwood, A. , 2004. The Management Of Hotel Operation, an innovative study of hotel management. Cornwall: Thomson Learning, TX international Appendix: Cover Letter MR. Simon Dickson Streets Berkshire Hamlet James Webber Recruitment UH Berkshire HRS RE 2013 Dear Simon Dickson, 82 Wesson Tower London E 23 August I am here by showing interest and writing to apply for the role advertise on Caterer. Com and enclose my C.V. which I have prepared systematically with the key skills you require.First I became aware of The James Webber group by surfing in internet and was really impr essed by the current stands of the company profile and its reputation. I am mainly attracted by the attention you company puts on working with different clients from various country and provide a top rated service and also the passions it wows to the hospitality and management. I am very excited about its graduate development and training project which offers a great learning and future career opportunity. The roles and requirements advertised really suits my skills and knowledge I am have achieved on my degree and my practical working experience.My degree offers some key elements vital in business such as staff and customer management, business strategy and decision making skills and also improving quality and efficiency. I am also a reader of financial press and well aware of current financial market trends and attitude which is vital in current professional industry. I have systematically prepared my C.V. which shows various roles where I have shown high rated communication skill s and presentation skills and I am well confident that I will be able to maintain friendly and productive relation with the client and staff of your company.I would like to draw you attention of my work experience at working in a star Marriott hotel in one of the most challenging city like London. I can use the achieved experience and skills in your organization to make a highly productive and professional environment for the organization. In my C.V. I have demonstrated my experience of managing financial issues and manage complicated roles during a busy environment and under pressure. I hope that after kind consideration of my C.V. I will be given a chance to prove my ability and potential as a member in your company.Looking forward to hear from you and I am available for interview anytime. Yours sincerely Mitten Bar Curriculum Vitae Flat-I 0208153536 82 Whetstone street, Telephone: Mobile: 07825184078 E UH Email: HYPERLINK â€Å"maillot:[email protected] Com†[email pr otected] Com Personal Details Summary Business studies with English undergraduate. Ability to speak Hindi and Bengali and Urdu. Practical work experience with a top 5 star hotel. Skills and Achievements Effective Communication listening to clients as testified during my work at Ginsburg Supermarket.Fluency on English, confident and strong presentation skills, also able to demonstrate face to face to group of people. Customer Service Able to deal with all sort of customer in an effective way and solve their any problem and quarries with positive attitude as practiced during my retail experience in under pressure environment. Ability to build a quick friendly relation with customer and aka them to come back to you again and again with top rated customer service. Teamwork I am a good team worker and I believe team work puts force for motivation.During my time at Top Marriott hotel demonstrated top rated excellent customer service in a busy environment. Administration Great ability to p lan ahead of work and manage team under pressure. Improved time management skills and managed complex role during my time at Marriott Hotel. Excellent ability to balance my professional and student life. Shown a top rate of service and quality at my full time work while I was managing my two courses at university and scored 70% grade.Experience of Tourists' needs My recent time at Marriott hotel allowed me face to face interaction with various tourists from different country that gave me the experience to understand the expectation of tourist and holiday customers' needs. Initiative For all my courses I self funded myself and used my plan ahead skills to balanced my study and work at the same time and take control of my career. This shows that I am fast learned and can handle stress and still continue my work and study together. Sales knowledge Acquired financial sales knowledge during my internship at Marriott hotel. Personal and Professional Development Hotel manager is the person who is responsible for management of the hotel and its entire staff (SAGAS, 2012). We can also say hotel manager is someone who is accountable for managing the business of hotel and also assure the quality, radioactivity, performance of employees Cones & Lockwood, 2004). Hotel manager is responsible for planning, budgeting, financial management and also directing and leading all hotel service. This profession requires various types of skills, knowledge and experience which has to be developed starting from the bottom.Despite the fact this area is accessible for all graduates with an HAND but the following qualification or subject may enhance the chance such as business or management, Hotel and hospitality, business study with different language and travel and tourism (SAGAS, 2012). But it's not always necessary to have an HAND or inundation course to enter this profession since the employers puts a lot of priority on relevant experience. A minimum standard of education is sought and most of the people work their way up to this management level gradually by training on the Job and external qualification.Employers often look for relevant work experience but not only related to hotel but also customer focused such as retail, catering, bar and language skills also an advantage specially a hotel related to international chain. 2. 0 SOOT analysts: So aim of the topic is to critically analyses my C.V. with the help of SOOT in term of the rarer I have chosen and Justify the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat. At the end I will conclude the topic with recommendation of what needed to be improved in future. 2. Strength: Effective communication skills can boost the overall performance of a business and in my chosen career of hotel management it's the only way where I can establish a good relationship with the customers and increase staff engagement to increase overall performance. I have systematically represented my communication skill s and the efficiency of it in my C.V.. I have the ability to communicate in a very effective and reflections way with different people by carefully listening to client and address my message to them.During my time at Marriott hotel I have demonstrated my effective communication skills while working on reception and feedback from customers for my performance were excellent. 2. 1. 2 Team Work: Team work is two or more people working together co-operatively in order improve the performance and achieve their goal. In hotel management profession it's very important because when numbers of people working together their knowledge, skills, experience from several source coming together. I am a very co-operative team layer and able to work with different people from different sort of background.I know how work with the team as a supporting hand and encourage other team working skills and achieved better result while I was working in Ginsburg as a team leader 2. 1. 3 Customer Service: In my p referred career of hotel management customer is very important to satisfy the customers and make sure they come back again and again. I have tried to be focused on highlighting how good customer service I can offer in my C.V.. I am able to compromise with all sort of customer in effective way from different country and aground and solve any quarries they have with a positive attitude and satisfy them to come back to us again and again.While I was working in Ginsburg I have been awarded best customer service assistance 2010 twice. 2. 1. 4 Management skills: Success of hotel industry depends on effective management and it's important for planning, organizing, controlling, directing and decision making. In my C.V. I have shown my ability to manage team and plan ahead during a busy environment. During my time at Marriott hotel I improved my management skill through different aspect such as problem solving, organizing, team building and decision making in a implicated environment.I belie ve I can properly utilize these skills and create value in my hotel management career. 2. 1. 5 Relevant experience: Relevant practical experience always gets priority in hotel industry career. In these industry for new requirement employers always looks for relevant experience. During my time at Marriott hotel hotel allowed me have a proper customer engagement help me to earn a better understanding of customers needs and expectation. I can deal with different sort of customer in a professional way and achieve 100% customer satisfaction. . 1. 6 Language skills: I am able to speak and understand other language such as Bengali, Hindi, Urdu. Multi-lingual skills are very important for hotel industry where you get to meet international customer's every day. While I was working in Marriott hotel if the customer from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh customer who couldn't speak English well and I used to communicate with them the other language that I know. 2. 1. 7 Computing skills: In the 21 st century computer is very essential for every aspect of business.I have the ability to use all computing feature required for business purpose such as MS Word, MS Excel and MS Powering. I used to create work Rota, revenue sheet and daily sales data entry while I was working for Marriott. Also during my time at ELSE library I have used computer to keep the data of books borrowed by students and delivery statement. 2. 2 Weakness: 2. 2. 1 Lack of various work experience: Having lots of different work experience always gets priority for any Job. Though I have relevant work experience for this career but I have worked only in few places.Whereas working is various place would have allow me to gain different experience which I could have use in my career path. 2. 2. 2 Intention to change Jobs: Another weakness of mine is I can't work in same place for long time. If I work in same place for long time I eventually get bored and loose the motivation of working Frustration: Frustration is a silent killer in workplace which creates motivation and enthusiasm problem. In work place when things don't go as I planned or senior colleagues perform an action which I don't think is fair makes me frustrated.During my time at ELSE library my senior used to abuse me by giving extra responsibility they suppose take care of and this used to make me frustrated and eventually I lost the motivation to work there and left the Job. 2. 2. Short tempered: I am a very sort tempered person which is not expected for being in a management of hospitality industry. In workplace my short temper can be triggered by over talkative person, people getting to my physical space and when people drug my personal life to workplace. When I lose my temper I always make harsh decision which makes me regret later on. 2. 2. Can't say â€Å"no†: I am a very helpful person as a result when people ask me to do something or ask for help I can't say know even if there is lots of work pressure on me. For exam ple when I was working on Ginsburg one of the managers asked me to take the delivery and at he same time another manager asked me to fill up the shelf and I couldn't say no to him as a result I ended up middle of two tasks and none of the task was completed properly. 2. 2. 6 Working with large group: I prefer to work with small group because it's easier to organize and transmit the information and I can assess the performance and productivity of my team easily.But on other hand when I am forced to work with large group I find it hard to control and organize this large amount of people. 2. 3 Opportunity: In this current time the hotel management industry have vast employment opportunity. Furthermore when globalization getting acceptance in almost every country, the hotel management industry becoming global. Since hotel chain owners are trying to open new hotels in every big and small cities, demand of trained hotel management profession are colossal. So I believe having a business de gree and relevant work experience will allow me to start a good career in hotel management industry.According to Economic and social research council static hotel industry contributes El ban to I-J economy and it offers 7% to 8% of total country employment which shows the amount of opportunity it offers. 2. 4 Threat: We have seen so far in hotel industry experience always gets priority. Though I have relevant experience but I have worked in one place which is related to my chosen career so far so it might be not be enough for the management level I am trying to start the career with. When it comes to comparison recruitment team might choose someone more experienced than me. 3. Conclusion: After the discussion above and SOOT analysis I can see my own strength, weakness, opportunity and treats which gives me a better vision of where I need to be improved in order to fulfill the requirements of a successful hotel management career. I can say y strength and opportunities in current Job market is very potential as the demand of skilled and experienced professional manager is increasing. I believe I need to work on my drawbacks and try to absorb related experience and a good internship from reputable hotel which I might use as reference later on. SAGAS, e. , 2012. Online] Available at: HYPERLINK â€Å"www. Prospects. AC. UK†www. Prospects. AC. UK [Accessed 11 September 2013]. Jones, P. & Lockwood, A. , 2004. The Management Of Hotel Operation, an innovative study of hotel management. Cornwall: Thomson Learning, TX international Appendix: Cover Letter MR. Simon Dickson Streets Berkshire Hamlet James Webber Recruitment UH Berkshire HRS RE 2013 Dear Simon Dickson, 82 Wesson Tower London E 23 August I am here by showing interest and writing to apply for the role advertise on Caterer. Com and enclose my C.V. which I have prepared systematically with the key skills you require.First I became aware of The James Webber group by surfing in internet and was really impr essed by the current stands of the company profile and its reputation. I am mainly attracted by the attention you company puts on working with different clients from various country and provide a top rated service and also the passions it wows to the hospitality and management. I am very excited about its graduate development and training project which offers a great learning and future career opportunity. The roles and requirements advertised really suits my skills and knowledge I am have achieved on my degree and my practical working experience.My degree offers some key elements vital in business such as staff and customer management, business strategy and decision making skills and also improving quality and efficiency. I am also a reader of financial press and well aware of current financial market trends and attitude which is vital in current professional industry. I have systematically prepared my C.V. which shows various roles where I have shown high rated communication skill s and presentation skills and I am well confident that I will be able to maintain friendly and productive relation with the client and staff of your company.I would like to draw you attention of my work experience at working in a star Marriott hotel in one of the most challenging city like London. I can use the achieved experience and skills in your organization to make a highly productive and professional environment for the organization. In my C.V. I have demonstrated my experience of managing financial issues and manage complicated roles during a busy environment and under pressure. I hope that after kind consideration of my C.V. I will be given a chance to prove my ability and potential as a member in your company.Looking forward to hear from you and I am available for interview anytime. Yours sincerely Mitten Bar Curriculum Vitae Flat-I 0208153536 82 Whetstone street, Telephone: Mobile: 07825184078 E UH Email: HYPERLINK â€Å"maillot:[email protected] Com†[email pr otected] Com Personal Details Summary Business studies with English undergraduate. Ability to speak Hindi and Bengali and Urdu. Practical work experience with a top 5 star hotel. Skills and Achievements Effective Communication listening to clients as testified during my work at Ginsburg Supermarket.Fluency on English, confident and strong presentation skills, also able to demonstrate face to face to group of people. Customer Service Able to deal with all sort of customer in an effective way and solve their any problem and quarries with positive attitude as practiced during my retail experience in under pressure environment. Ability to build a quick friendly relation with customer and aka them to come back to you again and again with top rated customer service. Teamwork I am a good team worker and I believe team work puts force for motivation.During my time at Top Marriott hotel demonstrated top rated excellent customer service in a busy environment. Administration Great ability to p lan ahead of work and manage team under pressure. Improved time management skills and managed complex role during my time at Marriott Hotel. Excellent ability to balance my professional and student life. Shown a top rate of service and quality at my full time work while I was managing my two courses at university and scored 70% grade.Experience of Tourists' needs My recent time at Marriott hotel allowed me face to face interaction with various tourists from different country that gave me the experience to understand the expectation of tourist and holiday customers' needs. Initiative For all my courses I self funded myself and used my plan ahead skills to balanced my study and work at the same time and take control of my career. This shows that I am fast learned and can handle stress and still continue my work and study together. Sales knowledge Acquired financial sales knowledge during my internship at Marriott hotel. Personal and Professional Development Hotel manager is the person who is responsible for management of the hotel and its entire staff (SAGAS, 2012). We can also say hotel manager is someone who is accountable for managing the business of hotel and also assure the quality, radioactivity, performance of employees Cones & Lockwood, 2004). Hotel manager is responsible for planning, budgeting, financial management and also directing and leading all hotel service. This profession requires various types of skills, knowledge and experience which has to be developed starting from the bottom.Despite the fact this area is accessible for all graduates with an HAND but the following qualification or subject may enhance the chance such as business or management, Hotel and hospitality, business study with different language and travel and tourism (SAGAS, 2012). But it's not always necessary to have an HAND or inundation course to enter this profession since the employers puts a lot of priority on relevant experience. A minimum standard of education is sought and most of the people work their way up to this management level gradually by training on the Job and external qualification.Employers often look for relevant work experience but not only related to hotel but also customer focused such as retail, catering, bar and language skills also an advantage specially a hotel related to international chain. 2. 0 SOOT analysts: So aim of the topic is to critically analyses my C.V. with the help of SOOT in term of the rarer I have chosen and Justify the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat. At the end I will conclude the topic with recommendation of what needed to be improved in future. 2. Strength: Effective communication skills can boost the overall performance of a business and in my chosen career of hotel management it's the only way where I can establish a good relationship with the customers and increase staff engagement to increase overall performance. I have systematically represented my communication skill s and the efficiency of it in my C.V.. I have the ability to communicate in a very effective and reflections way with different people by carefully listening to client and address my message to them.During my time at Marriott hotel I have demonstrated my effective communication skills while working on reception and feedback from customers for my performance were excellent. 2. 1. 2 Team Work: Team work is two or more people working together co-operatively in order improve the performance and achieve their goal. In hotel management profession it's very important because when numbers of people working together their knowledge, skills, experience from several source coming together. I am a very co-operative team layer and able to work with different people from different sort of background.I know how work with the team as a supporting hand and encourage other team working skills and achieved better result while I was working in Ginsburg as a team leader 2. 1. 3 Customer Service: In my p referred career of hotel management customer is very important to satisfy the customers and make sure they come back again and again. I have tried to be focused on highlighting how good customer service I can offer in my C.V.. I am able to compromise with all sort of customer in effective way from different country and aground and solve any quarries they have with a positive attitude and satisfy them to come back to us again and again.While I was working in Ginsburg I have been awarded best customer service assistance 2010 twice. 2. 1. 4 Management skills: Success of hotel industry depends on effective management and it's important for planning, organizing, controlling, directing and decision making. In my C.V. I have shown my ability to manage team and plan ahead during a busy environment. During my time at Marriott hotel I improved my management skill through different aspect such as problem solving, organizing, team building and decision making in a implicated environment.I belie ve I can properly utilize these skills and create value in my hotel management career. 2. 1. 5 Relevant experience: Relevant practical experience always gets priority in hotel industry career. In these industry for new requirement employers always looks for relevant experience. During my time at Marriott hotel hotel allowed me have a proper customer engagement help me to earn a better understanding of customers needs and expectation. I can deal with different sort of customer in a professional way and achieve 100% customer satisfaction. . 1. 6 Language skills: I am able to speak and understand other language such as Bengali, Hindi, Urdu. Multi-lingual skills are very important for hotel industry where you get to meet international customer's every day. While I was working in Marriott hotel if the customer from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh customer who couldn't speak English well and I used to communicate with them the other language that I know. 2. 1. 7 Computing skills: In the 21 st century computer is very essential for every aspect of business.I have the ability to use all computing feature required for business purpose such as MS Word, MS Excel and MS Powering. I used to create work Rota, revenue sheet and daily sales data entry while I was working for Marriott. Also during my time at ELSE library I have used computer to keep the data of books borrowed by students and delivery statement. 2. 2 Weakness: 2. 2. 1 Lack of various work experience: Having lots of different work experience always gets priority for any Job. Though I have relevant work experience for this career but I have worked only in few places.Whereas working is various place would have allow me to gain different experience which I could have use in my career path. 2. 2. 2 Intention to change Jobs: Another weakness of mine is I can't work in same place for long time. If I work in same place for long time I eventually get bored and loose the motivation of working Frustration: Frustration is a silent killer in workplace which creates motivation and enthusiasm problem. In work place when things don't go as I planned or senior colleagues perform an action which I don't think is fair makes me frustrated.During my time at ELSE library my senior used to abuse me by giving extra responsibility they suppose take care of and this used to make me frustrated and eventually I lost the motivation to work there and left the Job. 2. 2. Short tempered: I am a very sort tempered person which is not expected for being in a management of hospitality industry. In workplace my short temper can be triggered by over talkative person, people getting to my physical space and when people drug my personal life to workplace. When I lose my temper I always make harsh decision which makes me regret later on. 2. 2. Can't say â€Å"no†: I am a very helpful person as a result when people ask me to do something or ask for help I can't say know even if there is lots of work pressure on me. For exam ple when I was working on Ginsburg one of the managers asked me to take the delivery and at he same time another manager asked me to fill up the shelf and I couldn't say no to him as a result I ended up middle of two tasks and none of the task was completed properly. 2. 2. 6 Working with large group: I prefer to work with small group because it's easier to organize and transmit the information and I can assess the performance and productivity of my team easily.But on other hand when I am forced to work with large group I find it hard to control and organize this large amount of people. 2. 3 Opportunity: In this current time the hotel management industry have vast employment opportunity. Furthermore when globalization getting acceptance in almost every country, the hotel management industry becoming global. Since hotel chain owners are trying to open new hotels in every big and small cities, demand of trained hotel management profession are colossal. So I believe having a business de gree and relevant work experience will allow me to start a good career in hotel management industry.According to Economic and social research council static hotel industry contributes El ban to I-J economy and it offers 7% to 8% of total country employment which shows the amount of opportunity it offers. 2. 4 Threat: We have seen so far in hotel industry experience always gets priority. Though I have relevant experience but I have worked in one place which is related to my chosen career so far so it might be not be enough for the management level I am trying to start the career with. When it comes to comparison recruitment team might choose someone more experienced than me. 3. Conclusion: After the discussion above and SOOT analysis I can see my own strength, weakness, opportunity and treats which gives me a better vision of where I need to be improved in order to fulfill the requirements of a successful hotel management career. I can say y strength and opportunities in current Job market is very potential as the demand of skilled and experienced professional manager is increasing. I believe I need to work on my drawbacks and try to absorb related experience and a good internship from reputable hotel which I might use as reference later on. SAGAS, e. , 2012. Online] Available at: HYPERLINK â€Å"www. Prospects. AC. UK†www. Prospects. AC. UK [Accessed 11 September 2013]. Jones, P. & Lockwood, A. , 2004. The Management Of Hotel Operation, an innovative study of hotel management. Cornwall: Thomson Learning, TX international Appendix: Cover Letter MR. Simon Dickson Streets Berkshire Hamlet James Webber Recruitment UH Berkshire HRS RE 2013 Dear Simon Dickson, 82 Wesson Tower London E 23 August I am here by showing interest and writing to apply for the role advertise on Caterer. Com and enclose my C.V. which I have prepared systematically with the key skills you require.First I became aware of The James Webber group by surfing in internet and was really impr essed by the current stands of the company profile and its reputation. I am mainly attracted by the attention you company puts on working with different clients from various country and provide a top rated service and also the passions it wows to the hospitality and management. I am very excited about its graduate development and training project which offers a great learning and future career opportunity. The roles and requirements advertised really suits my skills and knowledge I am have achieved on my degree and my practical working experience.My degree offers some key elements vital in business such as staff and customer management, business strategy and decision making skills and also improving quality and efficiency. I am also a reader of financial press and well aware of current financial market trends and attitude which is vital in current professional industry. I have systematically prepared my C.V. which shows various roles where I have shown high rated communication skill s and presentation skills and I am well confident that I will be able to maintain friendly and productive relation with the client and staff of your company.I would like to draw you attention of my work experience at working in a star Marriott hotel in one of the most challenging city like London. I can use the achieved experience and skills in your organization to make a highly productive and professional environment for the organization. In my C.V. I have demonstrated my experience of managing financial issues and manage complicated roles during a busy environment and under pressure. I hope that after kind consideration of my C.V. I will be given a chance to prove my ability and potential as a member in your company.Looking forward to hear from you and I am available for interview anytime. Yours sincerely Mitten Bar Curriculum Vitae Flat-I 0208153536 82 Whetstone street, Telephone: Mobile: 07825184078 E UH Email: HYPERLINK â€Å"maillot:[email protected] Com†[email pr otected] Com Personal Details Summary Business studies with English undergraduate. Ability to speak Hindi and Bengali and Urdu. Practical work experience with a top 5 star hotel. Skills and Achievements Effective Communication listening to clients as testified during my work at Ginsburg Supermarket.Fluency on English, confident and strong presentation skills, also able to demonstrate face to face to group of people. Customer Service Able to deal with all sort of customer in an effective way and solve their any problem and quarries with positive attitude as practiced during my retail experience in under pressure environment. Ability to build a quick friendly relation with customer and aka them to come back to you again and again with top rated customer service. Teamwork I am a good team worker and I believe team work puts force for motivation.During my time at Top Marriott hotel demonstrated top rated excellent customer service in a busy environment. Administration Great ability to p lan ahead of work and manage team under pressure. Improved time management skills and managed complex role during my time at Marriott Hotel. Excellent ability to balance my professional and student life. Shown a top rate of service and quality at my full time work while I was managing my two courses at university and scored 70% grade.Experience of Tourists' needs My recent time at Marriott hotel allowed me face to face interaction with various tourists from different country that gave me the experience to understand the expectation of tourist and holiday customers' needs. Initiative For all my courses I self funded myself and used my plan ahead skills to balanced my study and work at the same time and take control of my career. This shows that I am fast learned and can handle stress and still continue my work and study together. Sales knowledge Acquired financial sales knowledge during my internship at Marriott hotel.
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