Friday, November 29, 2019
Team Work an Example by
Team Work Sometimes, the job gets done at a faster pace when a team is assigned to it. Working in a team generates faster results than if we work alone. However, we have to take note that not all teams succeed in their objectives. Success of a team depends upon many factors. This paper will look into the advantages and disadvantages of working in a team, the processes, and some important things to consider. Working in a team is better than working alone because there are many ideas that we can get from each team member. Team work also facilitates equal sharing of responsibilities, and each member is expected to do his part of the job. Moreover, tasks are done quickly, changes can be made easily and teamwork provides flexibility to the company. Since members are involved and communicate with each other, decision-making will be easier and more efficient. West, Borril and Unsworth (1998) stated that an efficient team brings consistency in organizational environment. Need essay sample on "Team Work" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed However, there are also disadvantages in a team model. These are poor coordination and communication between the members, competing objectives (West, et al., 1998), hidden agendas, cultural clashes, conflicting personalities, unwillingness to help, and unclear goals and responsibilities (Lemmex, n.d.). There are four processes for group development in a team, namely forming, storming, norming and performing. This model was developed by Bruce Tuckman in 1965. This has become a basis in knowing whether a team develops. Forming is the first stage of team building. During this stage, team members meet up, introduce each other, learn about the challenges and opportunities, and agree on the set goals. Then they tackle the tasks. In this stage, the members behave independently. Although they are motivated, they are usually unaware of the issues and objectives of the team. The teams supervisors must be directive at this stage. If the members are confident, the team will likely enter the second stage, which is the storming. During this stage, the team deals with the ideas or issues, such as the problems that they must tackle, how they will function and what leadership model to accept. Usually, team members disclose with each other and confront their conflicting ideas. Sometimes, a team may find difficulty leaving this stage. The storming stage is unpleasant and even painful for those who are not willing to resolve conflicts. The team may fall apart if the members do not know how to listen, or to understand the conflict and find ways to move forward (The Teal Trust, n.d.). But this stage is important for the growth of the team and of its members as this facilitates tolerance and patience in resolving the conflict. Once the team comes out of the storming stage with an agreed method of operating, it will enter the norming stage. This stage is characterized by team members adjusting with each other so that the teamwork if smooth. The members agree on professional behaviour, rules, working tools and values. There is cooperation and collaboration and members trust each other. As members get more familiar with the project, they will be motivated (The Teal Trust, n.d.). Performing is the final stage of team building, which focuses on achieving the goals and objectives of the team. At this stage, members will likely be loyal to each other and understand the importance of managing more difficult tasks. They are also interdependent and knowledgeable, autonomous, competent, and motivated (The Teal Trust, n.d.). A team is said to be effective if it meets its goals and objectives. But meeting the objectives is not an easy task, as sometimes members are faced by conflicting opinions and ideas on how to meet their objectives. There are ways that the team can do to meet its goals. First, communication should be clear within the members, and they must also know the goals and their roles and responsibilities in achieving them. In case of conflicts, the team must apply a conflict resolution process. It is also important for each member to participate willingly and must be committed in achieving the teams goals and objectives (Lemmex, n.d.). Equal contribution is necessary in teamwork. Members are important in a team, thus they should provide equal contribution. Every contribution will help the team in making decisions and meeting its objectives. Moreover, different persons have different ideas, and sometimes this is just what the team needs in order to choose the best action. Samar (2002) commented that team members must work together from the beginning to the end. Although members work together to be more effective, it is not necessary to carry a member at all times. It is required for every member to share with others the tasks assigned so that objectives are met and the decision making process is efficient. But this is not to say that a team should not carry a member as there will be special circumstances when a team has to carry a member. It is important for a manager to understand that there are teams where some members do not contribute as he should have. Sometimes, the case is members contribute but not equally. The manager should make it clear at the start about the duties and expectations for each member. He should motivate the members by being an example. He should also communicate with the members that a team can be successful if every member gets involved until the end of a project. Of course, working in a team is not all about ease and happiness. Teams are faced with difficulties and obstacles that may seem to be hard to overcome. But once we recognize these obstacles and we believe that we can overcome them through our efforts, it will be easier for us. It is always important for the team to work together and brainstorm on how to deal with the hindrances. It is also important for the members to share ideas on how they can help to solve the problem. This way a team emerges successful. References Lemmex, Steve. (n.d.). Communication breakdown and conflict within teams. Expert Reference Series. Samar, Edgar. (2002). Team work and team building: How to work as a team. Retrieved on December 19, 2007 The Teal Trust. (.d.). Team process. Retrieved on December 19, 2007 from West, M.A., Borrill, C. S. & Unsworth, K. L. (1998) Team effectiveness in organizations. Sheffield, England.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Biography of George S. Patton, Famed American General
Biography of George S. Patton, Famed American General George S. Patton (November 11, 1885–December 21, 1945) was an American Army general noted for winning battles in World Wars I and II. He first came to attention as a commander fighting Pancho Villa in Mexico and helped revolutionize the use of tanks in warfare. Despite his many successes, his aggressive, colorful personal style and his temper often caused issues with his superiors. Fast Facts: George S. Patton Known For: Famed but controversial American combat generalAlso Known As: Old Blood and GutsBorn: Nov. 11, 1885 in San Gabriel, CaliforniaParents: George Smith Patton Sr., Ruth WilsonDied: Dec. 21, 1945 in Heidelberg, GermanyEducation: West PointSpouse: Beatrice AyerChildren: Beatrice Smith, Ruth Ellen, George Patton IVNotable Quote: Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. Early Life Born on November 11, 1885 in San Gabriel, California, George Smith Patton, Jr. was the son of George S. Patton, Sr. and Ruth Patton. An avid student of military history, the young Patton was descended from American Revolution Brigadier General Hugh Mercer and several of his relatives fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War. During his childhood, Patton met former Confederate raider and family friend John S. Mosby. The old veterans war stories helped fuel Pattons desire to become a soldier. Departing home, he enrolled at the Virginia Military Institute in 1903 before transferring to West Point the following year. Compelled to repeat his plebe year due to poor grades in mathematics, Patton reached the position of cadet adjutant before graduating in 1909. Assigned to the cavalry, Patton went on to compete in the modern pentathlon at the 1912 Olympics in Stockholm. Finishing fifth overall, he returned to the United States and was posted to Fort Riley, Kansas. While there, he developed a new cavalry saber and training techniques. Assigned to the 8th Cavalry Regiment at Fort Bliss, Texas, he took part in Brigadier General John J. Pershings Punitive Expedition against Pancho Villa in 1916. World War I During the expedition, Patton led the U.S. Armys first armored attack when he assaulted an enemy position with three armored cars. In the fighting, key Villa henchman Julio Cardenas was killed- earning Patton some notoriety. With the U.S. entry into World War I in April 1917, Pershing had Patton promoted to captain and took the young officer to France. Desiring a combat command, Patton was posted to the new U.S. Tank Corps. Testing new tanks, he observed their use at the Battle of Cambrai late that year. Organizing the American tank school, he trained with Renault FT-17 tanks. Swiftly advancing through the ranks to colonel in the wartime army, Patton was given command of the 1st Provisional Tank Brigade (later the 304th Tank Brigade) in August 1918. Fighting as part of the 1st U.S. Army, he was wounded in the leg at the Battle of St. Mihiel that September. Recovering, he took part in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive for which he was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and Distinguished Service Medal, as well as a battlefield promotion to colonel. With the end of the war, he reverted to his peacetime rank of captain and was assigned to Washington, D.C. Interwar Years While in Washington, he encountered Captain Dwight D. Eisenhower. Becoming good friends, the two officers began developing new armored doctrines and devising improvements for tanks. Promoted to major in July 1920, Patton tirelessly worked as an advocate for the establishment of a permanent armored force. Moving through peacetime assignments, Patton led some of the troops that dispersed the Bonus Army in June 1932. Promoted to lieutenant colonel in 1934 and colonel four years later, Patton was placed in command of Fort Myer in Virginia. A New War With the formation of the 2nd Armored Division in 1940, Patton was selected to lead its 2nd Armored Brigade. Promoted to brigadier general in October, he was given command of the division with the rank of major general in April 1941. In the U.S. Armys build-up prior to World War II, Patton took the division to the Desert Training Center in California. Given command of the I Armored Corps, Patton relentlessly trained his men in the desert through the summer of 1942. In this role, Patton led the Western Task Force during Operation Torch, which saw his men capture Casablanca, Morocco in November of that year. A Unique Style of Leadership Seeking to inspire his men, Patton developed a flashy image and routinely wore a highly polished helmet, cavalry pants and boots, and a pair of ivory-handled pistols. Traveling in a vehicle featuring oversize rank insignias and sirens, his speeches were frequently laced with profanity and espoused the utmost confidence in his men. While his behavior was popular with his troops, Patton was prone to indiscreet remarks which often stressed Eisenhower, who had become his superior in Europe, and caused tension among the Allies. While tolerated during the war, Pattons vocal nature ultimately led to his relief. North Africa and Sicily In the wake of the U.S. II Corps defeat at Kasserine Pass in February 1943, Eisenhower appointed Patton to rebuild the unit at the suggestion of Major General Omar Bradley. Assuming command with the rank of lieutenant general and retaining Bradley as his deputy, Patton diligently worked to restore discipline and fighting spirit to the II Corps. Taking part in the offensive against the Germans in Tunisia, the II Corps performed well. Recognizing Pattons achievement, Eisenhower pulled him to aid in planning the invasion of Sicily in April 1943. Moving forward in July 1943, Operation Husky saw Pattons Seventh U.S. Army land on Sicily along with General Sir Bernard Montgomerys Eighth British Army. Tasked with covering Montgomerys left flank as the Allies moved on Messina, Patton grew impatient as the advance bogged down. Taking the initiative, he sent troops north and captured Palermo before turning east to Messina. While the Allied campaign was successfully concluded in August, Patton damaged his reputation when he slapped Private Charles H. Kuhl at a field hospital. Having no patience for battle fatigue, Patton struck Kuhl and called him a coward. Western Europe Though tempted to send Patton home in disgrace, Eisenhower, after consultations with Chief of Staff General George Marshall, retained the wayward commander after a reprimand and apology to Kuhl. Knowing that the Germans feared Patton, Eisenhower brought him to England and assigned him to lead the First U.S. Army Group (FUSAG). A dummy command, FUSAG was part of Operation Fortitude which was intended to make the Germans think that the Allied landings in France would occur at Calais. Though unhappy with losing his combat command, Patton was effective in his new role. In the wake of the D-Day landings, Patton was returned to the front as the commander of the U.S. Third Army on August 1, 1944. Serving under his former deputy Bradley, Pattons men played a key role in exploiting the breakout from the Normandy beachhead. Surging into Brittany and then across northern France, the Third Army bypassed Paris, liberating large chunks of territory. Pattons rapid advance came to a halt on August 31 outside of Metz due to supply shortages. As Montgomerys efforts in support of Operation Market-Garden took priority, Pattons advance slowed to a crawl, leading to a protracted battle for Metz. Battle of the Bulge With the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge on December 16, Patton began shifting his advance toward the threatened parts of the Allied line. As a result, in perhaps his greatest achievement of the conflict, he was able to quickly turn the Third Army north and relieve the besieged 101st Airborne Division at Bastogne. With the German offensive contained and defeated, Patton advanced east through the Saarland and crossed the Rhine at Oppenheim on March 22, 1945. Charging through Germany, Pattons forces reached Pilsen, Czechoslovakia by the wars end on May 7/8. Postwar With the end of the war, Patton enjoyed a brief trip home to Los Angeles where he and Lieutenant General Jimmy Doolittle were honored with a parade. Assigned to be the military governor of Bavaria, Patton was irritated not to receive a combat command in the Pacific. Openly critical of Allied occupation policy and believing that the Soviets should be forced back to their borders, Patton was relieved by Eisenhower in November 1945 and assigned to the Fifteenth Army, which was tasked with writing the history of the war. Patton died on December 21, 1945, from injuries sustained in a car accident 12 days earlier.
Friday, November 22, 2019
How might an organization create and sustain competitive advantage Essay
How might an organization create and sustain competitive advantage through the strategic use of design thinking Your task for t - Essay Example 2). Design thinking has been shown to be the process through which individuals within organizations identify particular issues and through strategic thinking develop viable solutions, which are mainly focused on improving future results to the organization. It is therefore a process whereby the innovation starts from the goal or purpose intended to be achieved as against from the problems to be solved (Wattanasupachoke, 2012, p. 1; Kevin and Ron, 2008, p. 8-10). Through critical analysis of issues in current as well as future perspectives, design thinking explores the parameters of the issues and then resolutions are explored simultaneously. This system is therefore uniquely applied within trading organizations as against scientific methods, which are adopted for solving problems. Design thinking is therefore an emerging trend that trading organizations are adopting in order to create as well as sustain competitive advantage in business environment against other competing organizatio ns. It is a popular notion among business organizations that yesterday’s innovation can never guarantee tomorrows competence hence the need to encourage the innovation spirit (Maier and Zenovia, 2011, p. 975). Manufacturing and technical organizations are basic examples, which adopt effectively the design-thinking framework. In such an example to an organization, which bears the traits of manufacturing and technical attributes, we consider the Volkswagen automotives company. This project therefore has the main objective as being the analysis of design thinking as an effective tool to be adopted within the locomotive industry with a special attention to Volkswagen. The Volkswagen is a brand name for a group of entrepreneurs; companies whose main area of operation is within the automotive industry. They are well known for the manufacture and sale of the Volkswagen, Audi, Skoda, SEAT, Bentley, Lamborghini, Bugatti, and Porsch
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Challenges IT Managers face when moving to cloud computing Research Paper
Challenges IT Managers face when moving to cloud computing - Research Paper Example As a result, many IT managers are cautious in adopting and moving to the cloud because of the challenges thereon including potential vendor lock-in and security concerns. These challenges are mostly non-technical since they are concerned with how existing management, policies, processes and employees are affected by a move to the cloud (Beheshti, 2011). For IT managers, a move to the cloud is potentially a disruptive process to the current workplace. For instance, an IT manager for an organization who in the past decade has been patching OSs, locking down data center hardware, securing applications and developing disaster recovery plans would be in rush of moving on to the cloud (Holtsnider & Jaffe, 2012). They will be faced with the question of SLAs-Service Level Agreements; this is because, if proper care is not taken, some SLAs may lock them into remaining with a cloud provider that does not meet expectations. IT managers need to understand what level of services they can rely on when moving to the cloud. Secondly, there is the question of application security; protection of clients and organizations data is on top of any IT manager’s priority list. IT managers, therefore, have the responsibility of checking the security standard of any cloud service they intend to employ. Cloud computing offers very many choices with reg ards to applications or software the company needs to use, as a result, a choice dilemma arises. IT managers, when moving to the cloud are faced with the issue of loss of control and reliability issues. Other challenges include the need of creating cost-reflective charging and metering of service consumption; managing service brownouts and blackouts; architecting frictionless, pure virtualized services and applications that are easily scalable (Molen, 2010). Despite these challenges, there are several benefits that IT managers derive from
Monday, November 18, 2019
History of Organized Crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
History of Organized Crime - Essay Example While the author follows this purpose with single-minded intent, her level of success varies. Regardless of the full extent of authenticity, the book provides a number of interesting anecdotes and a good general overview of the climate that allowed the mob to flourish. If not complete gospel, it at least provides one with interesting insights into the life of an infamous figure in history. Edmond’s biography about Virginia Hill attempts to follow Hill’s life from beginning to end. It thus attempts to not only offer a connection between her later life and the difficult home life se had as a young child (while also trying to create a semi-sympathetic character). August 26, 1916, one Onie Virginia Hill, the seventh of ten children, is born to W.M. â€Å"Mack†Hill in Lipscomb, Alabama. Mack is essentially a horse trader whose little success went straight to alcohol; his wife Margaret begins working to try and provide a more stable income. Mack’s inebriation grows directly in proportion with longer periods spent at home with the children, and a young Virginia follows her mother’s example by allowing the man to be the undisputed ruler of the household. Around the age of seven, Virginia defends herself against her father by throwing a skillet of hot grease on him†¦ her following taunts so enrage him that his anger is vented on Margare t instead. Virginia recalls this moment as her first self-assertion†¦ seeing how quickly her father withdrew and feared her from this, Virginia chooses to never take such abuse again. Virginia’s biggest concern at the time is losing her father’s love, but soon realizes she has nothing to lose. She cites this realization as the guideline for the rest of her life: she cannot allow herself to be emotionally vulnerable, and therefore decides to never â€Å"love†a man. To some degree, this becomes the guideline of Hill’s life. Somewhere in the 1920’s Margaret Hill took the children and moved to
Saturday, November 16, 2019
GDI Security Policy Document
GDI Security Policy Document 1.0 Introduction This security policy document offers a sufficient summary of the state of security concerns with the herein mention corporation and no alteration of the information contained herein is allowed without the consent of the Global Distribution Inc. The document offers a brief outlay of the corporation and the structures of its state of security as well as propositions set in order to ensure a safe, secure and smooth running of the GDI for the best client trust and satisfaction. 1.1 The Corporation’s Background Global Distribution Inc. (GDI) is an internally recognized firm whose core objective is to deliver security sensitive electronic oriented assets from sellers to buyers as well as from manufactures to clients. The GDI headquarters is in the Central Business of the Washington DC in the united States of America and all its outlets in major cities all over the world, including cities in European nations, Africa, the Asian continent as well as the Far East, are controlled through a protected signal mode of communication which relies on the expertise of the best IT brains in the world. In its modest structure of operation, The GDI acts as a shipping corporation, although its operations and client trust rests on an ultra-modern state of cyber and advanced computer security platform. Just to mention, the corporation contracts in shipping high security electronic cards, gadgets, personalized fingerprint devices as well as critical secret machinery such as ultra-modern Military machinery in ge neral among others. These electronics contain coded private information and the process of successful business of GDI relies on IT expertise right from its website to its employees. 1.2 Problem statement The preparation of this document was elicited by the wiki leaks concerns that the GDI servers had been hacked by cyber criminals whose intentions were to gather certain targeted countries’ national banking and security information in the wake of uprising terrorism and cyber theft. The GDI officially confirms that these claims are valid although the attempts of the attackers were counteracted by the corporation’s cloud computing team through the intrusion detection systems. Owing to the fact that most of the assets which are handled by the GDI are airlifted to set destinations and huge quantities of such being shipped through the sea worldwide, the awakening movements of terror and piracy both physical and cyber based has elicited, we, the top secret management of the GDI to release this document as an act of assurance to our esteemed clients. Also, considering that possible employee interference with clients’ information may occur, the issue of security, and thus documenting it to the target relevant clients is a matter of great importance. 2.0 Important Assets for GDI The GDI relies on a variety of assets in its daily activities which are security oriented in all ways of their operation. For instance, the corporation owns a fleet of customized aircrafts and modern ships whose controls are computer based. For instance, the cargo compartments are code operated and rely on the doctrine of one time password which is generated at the headquarters. The company also stocks secure servers which are intended to prevent hackers from accessing the corporation’s database (Laughlin, 2012). Also, the password transmission technology relies on an expiring ‘ping’ signals which deters forth and back tracing by cyber insurgents. Behind the GDI security is a pile of super computers, stationed in different parts of the world and secret and secured locations, and whose input to the communication and secrecy of the corporation is immense. The corporation also harbors skilled human assets which as mentioned earlier is a team of specially trained code r and hackers. Important to note is that the corporation owns the clients’ good in transit and is responsible for retaining the security encrypted within the goods. Most of the times, the sellers and manufactures entrust the GDI with the duties of configuring information as required for the devices. The greatest challenge of retaining security of the information which circulates within these systems is that they are prone to cyber intrusion by malicious individuals as well as firmware. 3.0 Security Architecture for GDI The GDI puts its utmost trust within the following hierarchy or rather chain of command when it comes to its security matters. The top entrusted individual is the company’s chief executive officer who doubles as the president of the company. The second in the descending order are the CEO’s vice presidents. Stemming down in that order are the Executive assistants who in turn issue orders to the managers. Most important to note is that these managers are specially trained IT and coding experts whose mandate is to ensure privacy of data and other credentials are upheld. The security of the servers is ensured through the recent versions of the intrusion detection systems. In a brief overview, network intrusion systems collect network traffic for analysis and detection. Packets are usually intercepted as they move across the network between a number of hosts. The packets already intercepted are compared with a database that contains known signatures and any anomalous activity suggestive of malicious behavior is highlighted (Di Mancini, 2008). This way, our IT experts are able to check for intruders. However, the coding of the information contained in the gadgets is encrypted through the use of the supercomputers and every dispatch set encrypted with a one-time password which is sent in coded format once consignment reach destination. 4.0 Ten Possible Security Policies The GDI has identified that just like any other business entity; it owns assets which are sought after by others. The others in this case entail competitors, hackers, criminals or even its employees. Due to this reason, the GDI has keynoted the importance of reshuffling its security policies. It is these security policies which outline the company rules and procedures which help protect its assets from intruders. The items in the GDI’s context encompass data and the valuable electronics which include ATM sets and ATM cards. Most important, these security policies shall help define the company’s communication structure for the safe destination of its goals. Generally speaking, security, policies entail a governing, technical and end-user policies, all of which ought to be observed. The case for GDI is quite complex and challenging since it ought to consider online and offline platforms bearing in mind its clients and its internal community. In this case, the possible sec urity policies include: Incidence response security policy (Security Response Plan Policy), Audit/Risks assessment, security Policy, Computer Security Policy, Emails Security Policy, , Internet Security Policy, Personal devices and Mobile Security Policy, Networks, Security Policy, Physical Security Policy, Application policies, Server Security Policies, password Security policy and Wireless (Wi-Fi) Security Policy (Greene, 2006). 5.0 Details and Rationale of the Ten Security Policies The security policies listed under the preceding section would therefore be considered as outlined below within the GDI security system. Firstly, owing to the fact that much of the data are in softcopy format and coordinated through web data transfer protocols which then calls for sound rules. Incidence response security policy Under this security policy, the GDI aims to ensure that sound approach of handling an encroachment by foreign individuals is handled at the preventive stage. The seriousness of this matter demands keen attention as most of the data and communication flow of the GDI is transmitted through VPNs and encrypted via Trusted Computing Based internal networks. This means that once an intruder manages to hack the system, data will be accessed. Early planning and response policy is therefore critical. Physical security policy Generally, physical security policies usually encompass on ensuring that the computer systems and other assets are not physically tampered with in an organization. This for instance ensures that all removable data carrying drives are not accessed manually and made away with. Cases of fire are also considered here and a road map to addressing the same offered. Personal gadget and mobile device security policies This security policy aims to restrict the importing of data by any employees from the central network for any unaccounted reasons. Communication and device usage in the streams of analogue as well as ISDN lines policy need have a clear outline: Define Also, image capturing devices would be a threat cause getting an image of the security centers would give intruders a road map to break into them. Server Security Policies An international corporation like the GDI would definitely focus to ensure that its servers are well secured. This can be through the hiring of professional hackers and cloud computing expatriates in all ways keep testing the system and ensure that the ISP and VPNs are secure (Laughlin, 2012).. Wi-Fi Security policies Many organizations usually install wireless networks within their premises for the fast and convenient communication among the employees. However, the focus ought to be placed on such networks as they can easily be configured by hackers to and give an entry point to the organization enabling them to steal data. Thus, protecting such Wi-Fi networks are very critical. Passwords security policies These policies generally outline the formal protocols in which the corporate management ensures its how its passwords are safe and the chain of command in handling and usage of the same. A legal criterion has to be set in place for accountability. Remote Access security policies This generally denotes the degree the surrounding community could manage to use say the Wi-Fi of a corporation. At times, when the workers are housed within the corporation’s premises, they usually are given passwords to access the corporations’ wireless network which can be vulnerable to network hackers. Computer Security policies The usage of both the super computers and personal computers in a multinational organization need clear guidelines since computers are very sensitive since they offer the weakest link for accessing company information. The case for GDI is similarly sensitive and more vigilant on the same since its assets are computer integrated. Data recovery and Backup security policies These define the procedures for recovering data in case of a systems breakdown or any unexpected malfunctioning of the network devices. This would position a corporation at the vantage of all time data security. Administrators’ security policies These security policies aim at outlining how security concerns which entails top secrets and data sharing and circulation changes hands within the top management. Generally, most institutions provide for a hierarchical flow of data and security details from the chief executive officer to the lowest level employee in the corporation for example Application policies Last but not least, it is important to appreciate that some organizations usually develop their web applications which can be downloaded and installed by third party and clients. For instance, this could be an application regarding the tracking of items under transit, say under shipment. This can be especially prone to piracy and theft of physical assets. It is under this security policy, such matters are addressed. 6.0 Ten Security Policies that should be applied to GDI The success of any international corporation that handles huge volumes of critical data depends on the statement of policies and implementation of such. For instance, virtually all the discussed policies under section 5 offer a clear insight that the GDI has to apply its running to all the security policies. For instance, a summarized opinion would simply show that all the policies target ensuring data security which is the core reason as to why all need be applied for the safe and efficient running of the corporation’s activities and operations. Password security policies coupled with administrators’ security polices for instance, offer a way of addressing the commonest ways of ethical data handling and accountability would be pronounced. Likewise, the application policies ought to have clear rules of usage since without keen attention, the GDI can fall victim of being intruded and hacked. Data Backup and recovery security policies ought to be implemented since the cor poration is data and information oriented. A good system being in mechanism would make things better for the company. Internet, email, personal computer as well as mobile device usage, security policies within the premises by the employees ought to be addressed and applied in the GDI on an advanced scale since most of the communications could be tapped via these avenues. The fact that the GDI organizes its infrastructure right from programs to gadgets and machinery under the control of networks therefore dictates and calls for an intensified concern for all the ten security policies. 7.0 Conclusion The GDI Corporation handles huge amounts of sensitive assets and data and thus its reliability by clients rests on the team the corporation has especially the coders. In order for the GDI to run safely and secure without fear of being hacked despite its wide usage of coded data, its skilled staff ought to stay on high alert (Laughlin, 2012). Also, for effective and sustainable safety of client’s data, the various security policies described shall be implemented. This way, the recent threats of attempted intrusion into the GDI servers would be minimized with greater clients’ satisfaction. News such as those witnessed recently on wiki leaks would be a thing of the past in the GDI’s context. References Di, P. R., Mancini, L. V. (2008).Intrusion detection systems. New York: Springer. Greene, S. S. (2006). Security policies and procedures: Principles and practices. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson Prentice Hall. Laughlin, C. (2012). Guide for servers. Chicago, IL: Liturgy Training Publications.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Internet Piracy and Movies :: Internet Piracy Movies
Introduction The growth of the Internet has led to many new innovations in the way it is used. At first, it was just a form of text-based communication, similar to mail except faster. Then, as connections became quicker, people started to browse web pages, and soon even children could have their own space on the Internet. Today, many people around the world have broadband, which transfers text and pictures much faster than users can read. So developers created programs to use this extra bandwidth, programs that utilized the widespread nature of the Internet. The first peer-to-peer software can arguably be Napster, which let users download songs from other users. Napster restricted its files to songs since most people still had 56k connections at that time, so larger files would take an unreasonably long time. Presently, broadband connections are relatively inexpensive, so full movies can be downloaded in almost the time it takes to watch them. This widespread availability of high bandwidth has led to new applications, such as Limewire, Kazaa, and Morpheus, which let the user download any type of file, the most controversial of which is movies. Compared to Napster, these new applications have more decentralized architectures, making the legal battle against them harder to prove. Companies are no longer directing where the users download from – the individual applications are. Users are finding movies from their own computer, and since companies have no personal hand in this search, the film industry now has to target individual users in order to stop them from downloading. Views On Internet Piracy Movie Industry’s View Movie piracy quickly became a problem for the film industry, because the average major studio film costs $55 million to produce and $27 million more to advertise, much higher than other forms of media2. This investment is usually not returned in its initial showing in the movie theatres, so the film is then released to home video. After a year or two have passed, a television channel pays the copyright fee to broadcast it. Also, markets internationally are supposed to go through the same steps. Since the filmmakers get these various forms of copyright fees, many people think that most movies make their money back, but in actuality the Motion Picture Association of America states â€Å"four out of ten movies never recoup the original investment2â€Å".
Monday, November 11, 2019
Personal and Professional Development
Hotel manager is the person who is responsible for management of the hotel and its entire staff (SAGAS, 2012). We can also say hotel manager is someone who is accountable for managing the business of hotel and also assure the quality, radioactivity, performance of employees Cones & Lockwood, 2004). Hotel manager is responsible for planning, budgeting, financial management and also directing and leading all hotel service. This profession requires various types of skills, knowledge and experience which has to be developed starting from the bottom.Despite the fact this area is accessible for all graduates with an HAND but the following qualification or subject may enhance the chance such as business or management, Hotel and hospitality, business study with different language and travel and tourism (SAGAS, 2012). But it's not always necessary to have an HAND or inundation course to enter this profession since the employers puts a lot of priority on relevant experience. A minimum standard of education is sought and most of the people work their way up to this management level gradually by training on the Job and external qualification.Employers often look for relevant work experience but not only related to hotel but also customer focused such as retail, catering, bar and language skills also an advantage specially a hotel related to international chain. 2. 0 SOOT analysts: So aim of the topic is to critically analyses my C.V. with the help of SOOT in term of the rarer I have chosen and Justify the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat. At the end I will conclude the topic with recommendation of what needed to be improved in future. 2. Strength: Effective communication skills can boost the overall performance of a business and in my chosen career of hotel management it's the only way where I can establish a good relationship with the customers and increase staff engagement to increase overall performance. I have systematically represented my communication skill s and the efficiency of it in my C.V.. I have the ability to communicate in a very effective and reflections way with different people by carefully listening to client and address my message to them.During my time at Marriott hotel I have demonstrated my effective communication skills while working on reception and feedback from customers for my performance were excellent. 2. 1. 2 Team Work: Team work is two or more people working together co-operatively in order improve the performance and achieve their goal. In hotel management profession it's very important because when numbers of people working together their knowledge, skills, experience from several source coming together. I am a very co-operative team layer and able to work with different people from different sort of background.I know how work with the team as a supporting hand and encourage other team working skills and achieved better result while I was working in Ginsburg as a team leader 2. 1. 3 Customer Service: In my p referred career of hotel management customer is very important to satisfy the customers and make sure they come back again and again. I have tried to be focused on highlighting how good customer service I can offer in my C.V.. I am able to compromise with all sort of customer in effective way from different country and aground and solve any quarries they have with a positive attitude and satisfy them to come back to us again and again.While I was working in Ginsburg I have been awarded best customer service assistance 2010 twice. 2. 1. 4 Management skills: Success of hotel industry depends on effective management and it's important for planning, organizing, controlling, directing and decision making. In my C.V. I have shown my ability to manage team and plan ahead during a busy environment. During my time at Marriott hotel I improved my management skill through different aspect such as problem solving, organizing, team building and decision making in a implicated environment.I belie ve I can properly utilize these skills and create value in my hotel management career. 2. 1. 5 Relevant experience: Relevant practical experience always gets priority in hotel industry career. In these industry for new requirement employers always looks for relevant experience. During my time at Marriott hotel hotel allowed me have a proper customer engagement help me to earn a better understanding of customers needs and expectation. I can deal with different sort of customer in a professional way and achieve 100% customer satisfaction. . 1. 6 Language skills: I am able to speak and understand other language such as Bengali, Hindi, Urdu. Multi-lingual skills are very important for hotel industry where you get to meet international customer's every day. While I was working in Marriott hotel if the customer from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh customer who couldn't speak English well and I used to communicate with them the other language that I know. 2. 1. 7 Computing skills: In the 21 st century computer is very essential for every aspect of business.I have the ability to use all computing feature required for business purpose such as MS Word, MS Excel and MS Powering. I used to create work Rota, revenue sheet and daily sales data entry while I was working for Marriott. Also during my time at ELSE library I have used computer to keep the data of books borrowed by students and delivery statement. 2. 2 Weakness: 2. 2. 1 Lack of various work experience: Having lots of different work experience always gets priority for any Job. Though I have relevant work experience for this career but I have worked only in few places.Whereas working is various place would have allow me to gain different experience which I could have use in my career path. 2. 2. 2 Intention to change Jobs: Another weakness of mine is I can't work in same place for long time. If I work in same place for long time I eventually get bored and loose the motivation of working Frustration: Frustration is a silent killer in workplace which creates motivation and enthusiasm problem. In work place when things don't go as I planned or senior colleagues perform an action which I don't think is fair makes me frustrated.During my time at ELSE library my senior used to abuse me by giving extra responsibility they suppose take care of and this used to make me frustrated and eventually I lost the motivation to work there and left the Job. 2. 2. Short tempered: I am a very sort tempered person which is not expected for being in a management of hospitality industry. In workplace my short temper can be triggered by over talkative person, people getting to my physical space and when people drug my personal life to workplace. When I lose my temper I always make harsh decision which makes me regret later on. 2. 2. Can't say â€Å"no†: I am a very helpful person as a result when people ask me to do something or ask for help I can't say know even if there is lots of work pressure on me. For exam ple when I was working on Ginsburg one of the managers asked me to take the delivery and at he same time another manager asked me to fill up the shelf and I couldn't say no to him as a result I ended up middle of two tasks and none of the task was completed properly. 2. 2. 6 Working with large group: I prefer to work with small group because it's easier to organize and transmit the information and I can assess the performance and productivity of my team easily.But on other hand when I am forced to work with large group I find it hard to control and organize this large amount of people. 2. 3 Opportunity: In this current time the hotel management industry have vast employment opportunity. Furthermore when globalization getting acceptance in almost every country, the hotel management industry becoming global. Since hotel chain owners are trying to open new hotels in every big and small cities, demand of trained hotel management profession are colossal. So I believe having a business de gree and relevant work experience will allow me to start a good career in hotel management industry.According to Economic and social research council static hotel industry contributes El ban to I-J economy and it offers 7% to 8% of total country employment which shows the amount of opportunity it offers. 2. 4 Threat: We have seen so far in hotel industry experience always gets priority. Though I have relevant experience but I have worked in one place which is related to my chosen career so far so it might be not be enough for the management level I am trying to start the career with. When it comes to comparison recruitment team might choose someone more experienced than me. 3. Conclusion: After the discussion above and SOOT analysis I can see my own strength, weakness, opportunity and treats which gives me a better vision of where I need to be improved in order to fulfill the requirements of a successful hotel management career. I can say y strength and opportunities in current Job market is very potential as the demand of skilled and experienced professional manager is increasing. I believe I need to work on my drawbacks and try to absorb related experience and a good internship from reputable hotel which I might use as reference later on. SAGAS, e. , 2012. Online] Available at: HYPERLINK â€Å"www. Prospects. AC. UK†www. Prospects. AC. UK [Accessed 11 September 2013]. Jones, P. & Lockwood, A. , 2004. The Management Of Hotel Operation, an innovative study of hotel management. Cornwall: Thomson Learning, TX international Appendix: Cover Letter MR. Simon Dickson Streets Berkshire Hamlet James Webber Recruitment UH Berkshire HRS RE 2013 Dear Simon Dickson, 82 Wesson Tower London E 23 August I am here by showing interest and writing to apply for the role advertise on Caterer. Com and enclose my C.V. which I have prepared systematically with the key skills you require.First I became aware of The James Webber group by surfing in internet and was really impr essed by the current stands of the company profile and its reputation. I am mainly attracted by the attention you company puts on working with different clients from various country and provide a top rated service and also the passions it wows to the hospitality and management. I am very excited about its graduate development and training project which offers a great learning and future career opportunity. The roles and requirements advertised really suits my skills and knowledge I am have achieved on my degree and my practical working experience.My degree offers some key elements vital in business such as staff and customer management, business strategy and decision making skills and also improving quality and efficiency. I am also a reader of financial press and well aware of current financial market trends and attitude which is vital in current professional industry. I have systematically prepared my C.V. which shows various roles where I have shown high rated communication skill s and presentation skills and I am well confident that I will be able to maintain friendly and productive relation with the client and staff of your company.I would like to draw you attention of my work experience at working in a star Marriott hotel in one of the most challenging city like London. I can use the achieved experience and skills in your organization to make a highly productive and professional environment for the organization. In my C.V. I have demonstrated my experience of managing financial issues and manage complicated roles during a busy environment and under pressure. I hope that after kind consideration of my C.V. I will be given a chance to prove my ability and potential as a member in your company.Looking forward to hear from you and I am available for interview anytime. Yours sincerely Mitten Bar Curriculum Vitae Flat-I 0208153536 82 Whetstone street, Telephone: Mobile: 07825184078 E UH Email: HYPERLINK â€Å"maillot:[email protected] Com†[email pr otected] Com Personal Details Summary Business studies with English undergraduate. Ability to speak Hindi and Bengali and Urdu. Practical work experience with a top 5 star hotel. Skills and Achievements Effective Communication listening to clients as testified during my work at Ginsburg Supermarket.Fluency on English, confident and strong presentation skills, also able to demonstrate face to face to group of people. Customer Service Able to deal with all sort of customer in an effective way and solve their any problem and quarries with positive attitude as practiced during my retail experience in under pressure environment. Ability to build a quick friendly relation with customer and aka them to come back to you again and again with top rated customer service. Teamwork I am a good team worker and I believe team work puts force for motivation.During my time at Top Marriott hotel demonstrated top rated excellent customer service in a busy environment. Administration Great ability to p lan ahead of work and manage team under pressure. Improved time management skills and managed complex role during my time at Marriott Hotel. Excellent ability to balance my professional and student life. Shown a top rate of service and quality at my full time work while I was managing my two courses at university and scored 70% grade.Experience of Tourists' needs My recent time at Marriott hotel allowed me face to face interaction with various tourists from different country that gave me the experience to understand the expectation of tourist and holiday customers' needs. Initiative For all my courses I self funded myself and used my plan ahead skills to balanced my study and work at the same time and take control of my career. This shows that I am fast learned and can handle stress and still continue my work and study together. Sales knowledge Acquired financial sales knowledge during my internship at Marriott hotel. Personal and Professional Development Hotel manager is the person who is responsible for management of the hotel and its entire staff (SAGAS, 2012). We can also say hotel manager is someone who is accountable for managing the business of hotel and also assure the quality, radioactivity, performance of employees Cones & Lockwood, 2004). Hotel manager is responsible for planning, budgeting, financial management and also directing and leading all hotel service. This profession requires various types of skills, knowledge and experience which has to be developed starting from the bottom.Despite the fact this area is accessible for all graduates with an HAND but the following qualification or subject may enhance the chance such as business or management, Hotel and hospitality, business study with different language and travel and tourism (SAGAS, 2012). But it's not always necessary to have an HAND or inundation course to enter this profession since the employers puts a lot of priority on relevant experience. A minimum standard of education is sought and most of the people work their way up to this management level gradually by training on the Job and external qualification.Employers often look for relevant work experience but not only related to hotel but also customer focused such as retail, catering, bar and language skills also an advantage specially a hotel related to international chain. 2. 0 SOOT analysts: So aim of the topic is to critically analyses my C.V. with the help of SOOT in term of the rarer I have chosen and Justify the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat. At the end I will conclude the topic with recommendation of what needed to be improved in future. 2. Strength: Effective communication skills can boost the overall performance of a business and in my chosen career of hotel management it's the only way where I can establish a good relationship with the customers and increase staff engagement to increase overall performance. I have systematically represented my communication skill s and the efficiency of it in my C.V.. I have the ability to communicate in a very effective and reflections way with different people by carefully listening to client and address my message to them.During my time at Marriott hotel I have demonstrated my effective communication skills while working on reception and feedback from customers for my performance were excellent. 2. 1. 2 Team Work: Team work is two or more people working together co-operatively in order improve the performance and achieve their goal. In hotel management profession it's very important because when numbers of people working together their knowledge, skills, experience from several source coming together. I am a very co-operative team layer and able to work with different people from different sort of background.I know how work with the team as a supporting hand and encourage other team working skills and achieved better result while I was working in Ginsburg as a team leader 2. 1. 3 Customer Service: In my p referred career of hotel management customer is very important to satisfy the customers and make sure they come back again and again. I have tried to be focused on highlighting how good customer service I can offer in my C.V.. I am able to compromise with all sort of customer in effective way from different country and aground and solve any quarries they have with a positive attitude and satisfy them to come back to us again and again.While I was working in Ginsburg I have been awarded best customer service assistance 2010 twice. 2. 1. 4 Management skills: Success of hotel industry depends on effective management and it's important for planning, organizing, controlling, directing and decision making. In my C.V. I have shown my ability to manage team and plan ahead during a busy environment. During my time at Marriott hotel I improved my management skill through different aspect such as problem solving, organizing, team building and decision making in a implicated environment.I belie ve I can properly utilize these skills and create value in my hotel management career. 2. 1. 5 Relevant experience: Relevant practical experience always gets priority in hotel industry career. In these industry for new requirement employers always looks for relevant experience. During my time at Marriott hotel hotel allowed me have a proper customer engagement help me to earn a better understanding of customers needs and expectation. I can deal with different sort of customer in a professional way and achieve 100% customer satisfaction. . 1. 6 Language skills: I am able to speak and understand other language such as Bengali, Hindi, Urdu. Multi-lingual skills are very important for hotel industry where you get to meet international customer's every day. While I was working in Marriott hotel if the customer from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh customer who couldn't speak English well and I used to communicate with them the other language that I know. 2. 1. 7 Computing skills: In the 21 st century computer is very essential for every aspect of business.I have the ability to use all computing feature required for business purpose such as MS Word, MS Excel and MS Powering. I used to create work Rota, revenue sheet and daily sales data entry while I was working for Marriott. Also during my time at ELSE library I have used computer to keep the data of books borrowed by students and delivery statement. 2. 2 Weakness: 2. 2. 1 Lack of various work experience: Having lots of different work experience always gets priority for any Job. Though I have relevant work experience for this career but I have worked only in few places.Whereas working is various place would have allow me to gain different experience which I could have use in my career path. 2. 2. 2 Intention to change Jobs: Another weakness of mine is I can't work in same place for long time. If I work in same place for long time I eventually get bored and loose the motivation of working Frustration: Frustration is a silent killer in workplace which creates motivation and enthusiasm problem. In work place when things don't go as I planned or senior colleagues perform an action which I don't think is fair makes me frustrated.During my time at ELSE library my senior used to abuse me by giving extra responsibility they suppose take care of and this used to make me frustrated and eventually I lost the motivation to work there and left the Job. 2. 2. Short tempered: I am a very sort tempered person which is not expected for being in a management of hospitality industry. In workplace my short temper can be triggered by over talkative person, people getting to my physical space and when people drug my personal life to workplace. When I lose my temper I always make harsh decision which makes me regret later on. 2. 2. Can't say â€Å"no†: I am a very helpful person as a result when people ask me to do something or ask for help I can't say know even if there is lots of work pressure on me. For exam ple when I was working on Ginsburg one of the managers asked me to take the delivery and at he same time another manager asked me to fill up the shelf and I couldn't say no to him as a result I ended up middle of two tasks and none of the task was completed properly. 2. 2. 6 Working with large group: I prefer to work with small group because it's easier to organize and transmit the information and I can assess the performance and productivity of my team easily.But on other hand when I am forced to work with large group I find it hard to control and organize this large amount of people. 2. 3 Opportunity: In this current time the hotel management industry have vast employment opportunity. Furthermore when globalization getting acceptance in almost every country, the hotel management industry becoming global. Since hotel chain owners are trying to open new hotels in every big and small cities, demand of trained hotel management profession are colossal. So I believe having a business de gree and relevant work experience will allow me to start a good career in hotel management industry.According to Economic and social research council static hotel industry contributes El ban to I-J economy and it offers 7% to 8% of total country employment which shows the amount of opportunity it offers. 2. 4 Threat: We have seen so far in hotel industry experience always gets priority. Though I have relevant experience but I have worked in one place which is related to my chosen career so far so it might be not be enough for the management level I am trying to start the career with. When it comes to comparison recruitment team might choose someone more experienced than me. 3. Conclusion: After the discussion above and SOOT analysis I can see my own strength, weakness, opportunity and treats which gives me a better vision of where I need to be improved in order to fulfill the requirements of a successful hotel management career. I can say y strength and opportunities in current Job market is very potential as the demand of skilled and experienced professional manager is increasing. I believe I need to work on my drawbacks and try to absorb related experience and a good internship from reputable hotel which I might use as reference later on. SAGAS, e. , 2012. Online] Available at: HYPERLINK â€Å"www. Prospects. AC. UK†www. Prospects. AC. UK [Accessed 11 September 2013]. Jones, P. & Lockwood, A. , 2004. The Management Of Hotel Operation, an innovative study of hotel management. Cornwall: Thomson Learning, TX international Appendix: Cover Letter MR. Simon Dickson Streets Berkshire Hamlet James Webber Recruitment UH Berkshire HRS RE 2013 Dear Simon Dickson, 82 Wesson Tower London E 23 August I am here by showing interest and writing to apply for the role advertise on Caterer. Com and enclose my C.V. which I have prepared systematically with the key skills you require.First I became aware of The James Webber group by surfing in internet and was really impr essed by the current stands of the company profile and its reputation. I am mainly attracted by the attention you company puts on working with different clients from various country and provide a top rated service and also the passions it wows to the hospitality and management. I am very excited about its graduate development and training project which offers a great learning and future career opportunity. The roles and requirements advertised really suits my skills and knowledge I am have achieved on my degree and my practical working experience.My degree offers some key elements vital in business such as staff and customer management, business strategy and decision making skills and also improving quality and efficiency. I am also a reader of financial press and well aware of current financial market trends and attitude which is vital in current professional industry. I have systematically prepared my C.V. which shows various roles where I have shown high rated communication skill s and presentation skills and I am well confident that I will be able to maintain friendly and productive relation with the client and staff of your company.I would like to draw you attention of my work experience at working in a star Marriott hotel in one of the most challenging city like London. I can use the achieved experience and skills in your organization to make a highly productive and professional environment for the organization. In my C.V. I have demonstrated my experience of managing financial issues and manage complicated roles during a busy environment and under pressure. I hope that after kind consideration of my C.V. I will be given a chance to prove my ability and potential as a member in your company.Looking forward to hear from you and I am available for interview anytime. Yours sincerely Mitten Bar Curriculum Vitae Flat-I 0208153536 82 Whetstone street, Telephone: Mobile: 07825184078 E UH Email: HYPERLINK â€Å"maillot:[email protected] Com†[email pr otected] Com Personal Details Summary Business studies with English undergraduate. Ability to speak Hindi and Bengali and Urdu. Practical work experience with a top 5 star hotel. Skills and Achievements Effective Communication listening to clients as testified during my work at Ginsburg Supermarket.Fluency on English, confident and strong presentation skills, also able to demonstrate face to face to group of people. Customer Service Able to deal with all sort of customer in an effective way and solve their any problem and quarries with positive attitude as practiced during my retail experience in under pressure environment. Ability to build a quick friendly relation with customer and aka them to come back to you again and again with top rated customer service. Teamwork I am a good team worker and I believe team work puts force for motivation.During my time at Top Marriott hotel demonstrated top rated excellent customer service in a busy environment. Administration Great ability to p lan ahead of work and manage team under pressure. Improved time management skills and managed complex role during my time at Marriott Hotel. Excellent ability to balance my professional and student life. Shown a top rate of service and quality at my full time work while I was managing my two courses at university and scored 70% grade.Experience of Tourists' needs My recent time at Marriott hotel allowed me face to face interaction with various tourists from different country that gave me the experience to understand the expectation of tourist and holiday customers' needs. Initiative For all my courses I self funded myself and used my plan ahead skills to balanced my study and work at the same time and take control of my career. This shows that I am fast learned and can handle stress and still continue my work and study together. Sales knowledge Acquired financial sales knowledge during my internship at Marriott hotel. Personal and Professional Development Hotel manager is the person who is responsible for management of the hotel and its entire staff (SAGAS, 2012). We can also say hotel manager is someone who is accountable for managing the business of hotel and also assure the quality, radioactivity, performance of employees Cones & Lockwood, 2004). Hotel manager is responsible for planning, budgeting, financial management and also directing and leading all hotel service. This profession requires various types of skills, knowledge and experience which has to be developed starting from the bottom.Despite the fact this area is accessible for all graduates with an HAND but the following qualification or subject may enhance the chance such as business or management, Hotel and hospitality, business study with different language and travel and tourism (SAGAS, 2012). But it's not always necessary to have an HAND or inundation course to enter this profession since the employers puts a lot of priority on relevant experience. A minimum standard of education is sought and most of the people work their way up to this management level gradually by training on the Job and external qualification.Employers often look for relevant work experience but not only related to hotel but also customer focused such as retail, catering, bar and language skills also an advantage specially a hotel related to international chain. 2. 0 SOOT analysts: So aim of the topic is to critically analyses my C.V. with the help of SOOT in term of the rarer I have chosen and Justify the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat. At the end I will conclude the topic with recommendation of what needed to be improved in future. 2. Strength: Effective communication skills can boost the overall performance of a business and in my chosen career of hotel management it's the only way where I can establish a good relationship with the customers and increase staff engagement to increase overall performance. I have systematically represented my communication skill s and the efficiency of it in my C.V.. I have the ability to communicate in a very effective and reflections way with different people by carefully listening to client and address my message to them.During my time at Marriott hotel I have demonstrated my effective communication skills while working on reception and feedback from customers for my performance were excellent. 2. 1. 2 Team Work: Team work is two or more people working together co-operatively in order improve the performance and achieve their goal. In hotel management profession it's very important because when numbers of people working together their knowledge, skills, experience from several source coming together. I am a very co-operative team layer and able to work with different people from different sort of background.I know how work with the team as a supporting hand and encourage other team working skills and achieved better result while I was working in Ginsburg as a team leader 2. 1. 3 Customer Service: In my p referred career of hotel management customer is very important to satisfy the customers and make sure they come back again and again. I have tried to be focused on highlighting how good customer service I can offer in my C.V.. I am able to compromise with all sort of customer in effective way from different country and aground and solve any quarries they have with a positive attitude and satisfy them to come back to us again and again.While I was working in Ginsburg I have been awarded best customer service assistance 2010 twice. 2. 1. 4 Management skills: Success of hotel industry depends on effective management and it's important for planning, organizing, controlling, directing and decision making. In my C.V. I have shown my ability to manage team and plan ahead during a busy environment. During my time at Marriott hotel I improved my management skill through different aspect such as problem solving, organizing, team building and decision making in a implicated environment.I belie ve I can properly utilize these skills and create value in my hotel management career. 2. 1. 5 Relevant experience: Relevant practical experience always gets priority in hotel industry career. In these industry for new requirement employers always looks for relevant experience. During my time at Marriott hotel hotel allowed me have a proper customer engagement help me to earn a better understanding of customers needs and expectation. I can deal with different sort of customer in a professional way and achieve 100% customer satisfaction. . 1. 6 Language skills: I am able to speak and understand other language such as Bengali, Hindi, Urdu. Multi-lingual skills are very important for hotel industry where you get to meet international customer's every day. While I was working in Marriott hotel if the customer from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh customer who couldn't speak English well and I used to communicate with them the other language that I know. 2. 1. 7 Computing skills: In the 21 st century computer is very essential for every aspect of business.I have the ability to use all computing feature required for business purpose such as MS Word, MS Excel and MS Powering. I used to create work Rota, revenue sheet and daily sales data entry while I was working for Marriott. Also during my time at ELSE library I have used computer to keep the data of books borrowed by students and delivery statement. 2. 2 Weakness: 2. 2. 1 Lack of various work experience: Having lots of different work experience always gets priority for any Job. Though I have relevant work experience for this career but I have worked only in few places.Whereas working is various place would have allow me to gain different experience which I could have use in my career path. 2. 2. 2 Intention to change Jobs: Another weakness of mine is I can't work in same place for long time. If I work in same place for long time I eventually get bored and loose the motivation of working Frustration: Frustration is a silent killer in workplace which creates motivation and enthusiasm problem. In work place when things don't go as I planned or senior colleagues perform an action which I don't think is fair makes me frustrated.During my time at ELSE library my senior used to abuse me by giving extra responsibility they suppose take care of and this used to make me frustrated and eventually I lost the motivation to work there and left the Job. 2. 2. Short tempered: I am a very sort tempered person which is not expected for being in a management of hospitality industry. In workplace my short temper can be triggered by over talkative person, people getting to my physical space and when people drug my personal life to workplace. When I lose my temper I always make harsh decision which makes me regret later on. 2. 2. Can't say â€Å"no†: I am a very helpful person as a result when people ask me to do something or ask for help I can't say know even if there is lots of work pressure on me. For exam ple when I was working on Ginsburg one of the managers asked me to take the delivery and at he same time another manager asked me to fill up the shelf and I couldn't say no to him as a result I ended up middle of two tasks and none of the task was completed properly. 2. 2. 6 Working with large group: I prefer to work with small group because it's easier to organize and transmit the information and I can assess the performance and productivity of my team easily.But on other hand when I am forced to work with large group I find it hard to control and organize this large amount of people. 2. 3 Opportunity: In this current time the hotel management industry have vast employment opportunity. Furthermore when globalization getting acceptance in almost every country, the hotel management industry becoming global. Since hotel chain owners are trying to open new hotels in every big and small cities, demand of trained hotel management profession are colossal. So I believe having a business de gree and relevant work experience will allow me to start a good career in hotel management industry.According to Economic and social research council static hotel industry contributes El ban to I-J economy and it offers 7% to 8% of total country employment which shows the amount of opportunity it offers. 2. 4 Threat: We have seen so far in hotel industry experience always gets priority. Though I have relevant experience but I have worked in one place which is related to my chosen career so far so it might be not be enough for the management level I am trying to start the career with. When it comes to comparison recruitment team might choose someone more experienced than me. 3. Conclusion: After the discussion above and SOOT analysis I can see my own strength, weakness, opportunity and treats which gives me a better vision of where I need to be improved in order to fulfill the requirements of a successful hotel management career. I can say y strength and opportunities in current Job market is very potential as the demand of skilled and experienced professional manager is increasing. I believe I need to work on my drawbacks and try to absorb related experience and a good internship from reputable hotel which I might use as reference later on. SAGAS, e. , 2012. Online] Available at: HYPERLINK â€Å"www. Prospects. AC. UK†www. Prospects. AC. UK [Accessed 11 September 2013]. Jones, P. & Lockwood, A. , 2004. The Management Of Hotel Operation, an innovative study of hotel management. Cornwall: Thomson Learning, TX international Appendix: Cover Letter MR. Simon Dickson Streets Berkshire Hamlet James Webber Recruitment UH Berkshire HRS RE 2013 Dear Simon Dickson, 82 Wesson Tower London E 23 August I am here by showing interest and writing to apply for the role advertise on Caterer. Com and enclose my C.V. which I have prepared systematically with the key skills you require.First I became aware of The James Webber group by surfing in internet and was really impr essed by the current stands of the company profile and its reputation. I am mainly attracted by the attention you company puts on working with different clients from various country and provide a top rated service and also the passions it wows to the hospitality and management. I am very excited about its graduate development and training project which offers a great learning and future career opportunity. The roles and requirements advertised really suits my skills and knowledge I am have achieved on my degree and my practical working experience.My degree offers some key elements vital in business such as staff and customer management, business strategy and decision making skills and also improving quality and efficiency. I am also a reader of financial press and well aware of current financial market trends and attitude which is vital in current professional industry. I have systematically prepared my C.V. which shows various roles where I have shown high rated communication skill s and presentation skills and I am well confident that I will be able to maintain friendly and productive relation with the client and staff of your company.I would like to draw you attention of my work experience at working in a star Marriott hotel in one of the most challenging city like London. I can use the achieved experience and skills in your organization to make a highly productive and professional environment for the organization. In my C.V. I have demonstrated my experience of managing financial issues and manage complicated roles during a busy environment and under pressure. I hope that after kind consideration of my C.V. I will be given a chance to prove my ability and potential as a member in your company.Looking forward to hear from you and I am available for interview anytime. Yours sincerely Mitten Bar Curriculum Vitae Flat-I 0208153536 82 Whetstone street, Telephone: Mobile: 07825184078 E UH Email: HYPERLINK â€Å"maillot:[email protected] Com†[email pr otected] Com Personal Details Summary Business studies with English undergraduate. Ability to speak Hindi and Bengali and Urdu. Practical work experience with a top 5 star hotel. Skills and Achievements Effective Communication listening to clients as testified during my work at Ginsburg Supermarket.Fluency on English, confident and strong presentation skills, also able to demonstrate face to face to group of people. Customer Service Able to deal with all sort of customer in an effective way and solve their any problem and quarries with positive attitude as practiced during my retail experience in under pressure environment. Ability to build a quick friendly relation with customer and aka them to come back to you again and again with top rated customer service. Teamwork I am a good team worker and I believe team work puts force for motivation.During my time at Top Marriott hotel demonstrated top rated excellent customer service in a busy environment. Administration Great ability to p lan ahead of work and manage team under pressure. Improved time management skills and managed complex role during my time at Marriott Hotel. Excellent ability to balance my professional and student life. Shown a top rate of service and quality at my full time work while I was managing my two courses at university and scored 70% grade.Experience of Tourists' needs My recent time at Marriott hotel allowed me face to face interaction with various tourists from different country that gave me the experience to understand the expectation of tourist and holiday customers' needs. Initiative For all my courses I self funded myself and used my plan ahead skills to balanced my study and work at the same time and take control of my career. This shows that I am fast learned and can handle stress and still continue my work and study together. Sales knowledge Acquired financial sales knowledge during my internship at Marriott hotel.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Review Related Literature
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE I. INTRODUCTION This review of related literature focuses on how to process used to automate a sales order fulfillment process. Such a system contains a list of order to be filled, and then prompts workers to pick the necessary items, and provides them with packaging and shipping. The said business needs an inventory system to help them to record the tracking of the business flow and help them to make it easier for them to monitor items. This inventory system involved the progresses of the daily process of buying and selling of their products.LOCAL LITERATURE * Julie’s Bakeshop System Since 1999, Julie’s Franchise Corporation has garnered a string of Franchise Excellence Awards for consistently high achievements of growth and development in all aspects of franchise operations that uphold the stringent standards of the Julie’s Bakeshop System: Quality; Customer Service; Cleanliness; Sanitation; Maintenance; and Reliable Mana gement. They Transacting Business and Visitors who register to transact business on the site and make use of the various services offered by Julie’s bakeshop.They use Personally Identifiable Information to customize the Site, to make appropriate service offerings, and to fulfill buying and selling requests on the Site. We may email Visitors and Authorized Customers about research or purchase and selling opportunities on the Site or information related to the subject matter of the Site. We may also use Personally Identifiable Information to contact Visitors and Authorized Customers in response to specific inquiries, or to provide requested information. Goldilocks System Goldilocks was opened in 1966 as a family business and started as a simple one-door apartment in a two-story structure at 2300 Pasong Tamo Street in Makati. It first opened its US branch in 1976, at Artesia, California. Goldilocks uses login information, including, but not limited to, IP addresses, ISPs, and br owser types, to analyze trends, administer the Site, track a user’s movement and use, and gather broad demographic information. FOREIGN LITERATURE ‘sponge and dough’ system of Franz Family Bakeries Franz Family Bakeries has produced bread products in the North Western US since 1906 and commissioned a $42m bakery in Springfield, Oregon, as part of a centennial celebration To produce its breads and buns, Franz uses a ‘sponge-and-dough' system. Sponges are produced in a 2,000lb horizontal mixer and receive a 4-4. 5 hour ferment at a temperature of 80? F and 80% relative humidity in an automated fermentation room with a capacity of 9,000lb per hour. The semi-automated fermentation room for the bun line produces 5,000lb an hour.Two 2,500lb horizontal mixers feed the bread line every 10 minutes with a continuous stream of chunks feeding the divider. The bun line has a 1,200lb sponge mixer and 1,600lb horizontal mixer from where the dough is sent to the divider ev ery 12 minutes. * Spooner Vicars Bakery Systems Spooner Vicars Bakeries is to be the world leader in ‘Total Supply ; Service†to our customer base and increase market leadership, through faster responses, on-time deliveries, professionalism, quality and technological advancement and to be the best in our industry.Spooner Vicars Bakery Systems may use cookies for the purpose of improving user experience and to facilitate the transfer of data between the site and the individual. Data submitted to the site may be transferred within Spooner Vicars Bakery Systems, including to subsidiaries, strictly in order to fulfill or expedite a user's request. Data submitted to this site will not be shared or sold to any outside parties, unless specifically requested by the user.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Justice and the Crucible essays
Justice and the Crucible essays Clarence Darrow once said, "There is no such thing as justicein or out of court." While a reference towards modern forms of law, this quotation is also applicable to The Crucible. Peoples rights are trampled both in the book and in real life. Defendants in every case have rights, but they become moot. Everyone decides what they think and will put forth their own justice, despite what the facts or logic may be. The presence of the rights of the accused and the lack of their enforcement are ideas that hold true not only in the book, but in the present day. In modern courts, defendants have certain definite rights. Examples of such are the right to an unbiased jury, the right to an attorney, and the right not to incriminate ones self. In reading The Crucible, one becomes appalled at how these rights are never even acknowledged. Not only are they not acknowledged, but the exact opposite is a normal expectation by the characters in the book! The jury is made up of the very people accusing the people of witchcraft. Mr. Hale is denied a lawyer because the Judge Danforth does not believe there is anything more that can be brought to light on the situation. The accused are basically given two terrible choices; they may either sign papers incriminating themselves and spend the rest of their life in a living hell, or be hanged. Is this justice? No one in their right mind can bring themselves to even compare it to justice. While the rights of the characters in The Crucible are never even vocalized, our current justice system is supposedly based on the aforesaid rights. We all know what our basic rights are, and seemingly take them for granted. But, even though the government tries to enforce these rights, the media nullifies them. Because of the way news of court hearings is relayed to us, our nation as a social whole has taken on an attitude of guilty until proven innocent. E ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
London Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
London - Essay Example At this point in history, the total number of the inhabitants in the city amounted to 60,000. Key structural buildings in the city were enhanced; these include the established basilica north- the Alps, the administrator's castle, temples, soak quarters, amphitheatre as well as the outsized urban for the city barracks. Open-minded change as well as the fall from the 3rd century and beyond, equally, generated a slow-moving turn down. At some point in history, thus from 190-225 AD the Romans equipped the defensive London Wall that spun 2 miles long, 6metres high with a thickness of about 2.5 metres. Towards the edge of the third century, the Londinium was trapped on numerous occasions by Saxon bandits. This prompted for the construction of a riverside wall as from 255 and beyond. The wall survived for more than one and a half millennium in illustrating London's outskirts for centuries ahead. The Roman Empire began to sink in the 5th century, and by 410 AD the Roman occupation of Britain came to a dead end, subsequently, the roman city declined very fast and by the end of the century the city was almost empty. Later to the practical recycling of the Roman capital, the region's planned setting on the River Thames implied that the site was not abandoned for a long period of time. The Anglo-Saxons began occupying the region. Even though historic Anglo-Saxon occupation shunned the region immediately around Londinium, there was small scale activity on the hinterland on both sides of the river. Although we don't have a present day academic proof, the region must have been a dynamic cutting edge neighboring the Saxons and the Britons. The London region was integrated into the East Saxons Kingdom as from the mid-6th century, stretching beyond St Albans on the far west. This later incorporated the Middlesex and probably Surrey. By 604 Saeberht was incorporated into Christianity and Mellitus was the first ever post Roman bishop. At this moments Essex owed faithfulness to the Ethelberht of Kent. It was therefore under the help of Ethelberht that Mellitus initiated the first cathedral known as St Paul. Soon after, a Saxon village as well as trading centre named Lundenwic was founded roughly 2.5 kilometers to the west of Londinium. The capital came under stable Mercian administration in c 730 as the East Saxon sovereignty. After 825, the Mercian administration was replaced by that of Wessex. The Viking surprise attacks were widespread throughout the 9th century; these assails became more and more widespread from just about 830 and beyond. By 865 the Viking Grand Heathen military launched a large scale raid of East Anglia, and by 871 they had reached London, and are whispered to have camped within the old Roman walls during the winter of that year. At this period London become under the control of the Viking. During the battle of Ethandun, the English army under the hegemony of King Alfred the Great defeated the Vikings forcing the Viking leader Guthrum to take proceedings for peace. English law was reclaimed in London and within a decade the old Roman walls was reconstituted to enhance defenses, although adopted a different name Lundenburgh. At these moments, the Roman walls were refurbished and the doubtful channels re-cut. Ethelred the son-in-law to Alfred was appointed heir to the shattered kingdom of Mercia. Ethelred became the governor of London
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Medic Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Medic Law - Essay Example The Mental Capacity Act 2005 does not provide adequate safeguards for incapacitated patients when determining what is their best interest. The act states that; `` decision made or an act done under this act for or on behalf of a person who lacks capacity must be done, or made, in his best interest, ( Section 1 (5) MCA). ’’ Despite, section 4 of the mental capacity act that sets out the checklist that enumerates elements which should be considered when determining the best interests of a patient does not bring the clear meaning of this concept at all. Also, the statutory checklist does not bring forth the clarification on how the various elements will be well-adjusted throughout the progress and assessment of best interest. In the view of making the decision, best interest is frequently contrasted to the surrogate judgment standards; although the previous is believed to set objectives’ benchmarks for making decisions on behalf others. The factors that are in the checklist are not extensive in most cases and so extra elements should be well-thought-out. This is because the checklist considers has five main elements that should be considered in deciding the best interest of a patient. Finally, the mental capacity act does not provide the meaning of best interest and also the term is not included in the mental health act yet this two acts activities go in hand. The purpose of legal regulation of assisted conception and embryology within the United Kingdom is broadly perceived, it assists a social goal. First, regulation is supposed to guarantee the end users that are both the health care providers and the patient that the service will fully suit their needs and it will not lead to moral and cost concerns. In essence, the regulation is all almost dealing with control. Embryology and assisted conception in the UK are regulated by Human Fertilization and Embryology Act 1990. It regulates the profession of medicine, it also controls the collected information as a result of assisted conception, administering techniques, and lastly manages the relation which follows when their children who are born through assisted conception. The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 has laid down the regulations which will govern the operation in treatment and research though in this sector of medicine all ethical
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